Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blogging for cash

Blogging for cash
Many bloggers out there are making money through blogging.
Blogging for cash is simply writing an article , publishing it and hoping that people click on attached ads.
What brings the people to the article are search engines used by netizens to sift for information on the web.

Search engines use keywords typed in by the users to direct them to relevant websites.
Search engine do this by regularly trolling the internet and categorizing web pages under keywords.These keywords are the lifeblood of any blog article.

Blogging for money and fishing are so much alike. Each article baits the search crawlers with tantalizing keywords and juicy phrases. With each article written there is a hope that the correct keywords are included. The correct keywords will land you $1, $5 + clicks and the wrong ones will well get you either $0 or a couple of cents.

Blogging for cash .How to?
Pick a topic and type up an interesting article of about 400 words. The article should include phrases that would be used by someone looking for information on that topic.
For example if someone typed "blogging for cash" into google they MIGHT be directed to this article because the phrase is included several times.

How much can be made?
Truthfully I do not know ? Some claim a couple of $100 a day. The real figures will never be revealed because most Pay per Click programs do not allow disclosure of earnings.
So far i have written slightly less than 100 articles. One day i will write the magical blog article that will appear tops of every google search and make me millions. Maybe this article is it.

Does work ? is a link exchange service.
It basically operates like a pyramid scheme for links. You add your site to their list and link to four sites(with one link going to them).
You then wait for your site bubble to the top of the list and get linked by other new sites.
Like all pyramid schemes it depends on new members signing up and placing links on their sites. This is not a problem in principle because millions of webpages are being created every year and if plenty sign up to this service the pyramid will not collapse.

Many net newbies wonder whether works. Here is my analysis from me an experienced webmaster.

The site freerelevantlinks operates on the principle that the more links you have pointing to your website the higher you are ranked by search engines. This is obviously true. The question that remains unanswered answered is how many links you get in return.

Another advantage of freerelevantlinks is that they allow you to select the anchor text for the link to your website. Choosing relevant anchor text is crucial in SEO.
This means you can choose keywords that you are optimising for on your site. For a forex tutorial website would pick the anchor text "learn forex trading".

Another attractive feature is that freerelevantlinks allows you to choose what category of sites you want to exchange links with. Exchanging links with related sites is good for SEO.

The service promises that you will get backlinks within 30 days.
My verdict on this service is that it works in principle.
I have signed up and i am waiting to bubble to the top of their link pyramid.Only then can I prove that it works in practice.

One thing is for certain that this link exchange works for their website. A link popularity search reveals that they have a massive 540,000 links on all major seacrh engine. My site has 52.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Are Link requests Spam,

Link exchange requests are spam.

Making link requests appear less spammy is a challenge that any webmaster has to face.
Today i thought of this disclaimer to use in sending out link requests using contact us e-mail adresses picked on websites. It appears to make sense legally, logical or otherwise. Here it is below:

We comply 100 % with spam laws and do not condone any form of spam.
This email was delivered via an adress that was made available on your website to provide a means of contacting the website owner/operator.

Several lawyers will obviously crap themselves laughing after reading my silly little disclaimer above.
The truth is any unsoliscited mail is unwanted mail hence is considered spam. Never the less I will include the disclaimer with all my unsoliscited link requests.

Many web folk wonder why link exchange request are considered spam. Let me explain:
The rule is that any party has to give EXPLICIT permision through written or electronic means BEFORE you can send anything to them anything.
So unless the webmaster said, "contact me using this e-mail for links exchanges" , then your unwanted request is spam.

Most naive webmasters I know won't realise this.

So the answer is obvious, LINK REQUESTS ARE SPAM, so watch who you send them to. Many website owners have recieved warning or harsh punishment for link requests gone bad.

The truth is no disclaimer will ever cover you when it comes any unsoliscited link requests.

How to make your link requests less spammy.
- Keep them brief and to the point.Do not use excessive marketting jargon.
- Send only to people direcly involved in running a site e.g administrator, support or webmaster.For example send a link request to admin@abc and not
- Do not repeatedly send a request over and over again.

Any people wishing to exchange links for forex related sites have explicit permission to send link requests to

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Week 13 Selecting the best site tracker

Selecting the best site tracker( vs

Today i switched from tracksy to for my website. sitemeter seems to be better than tracksy in several ways.
Here are some of the major points on tracksy vs sitemeter:

Advantages of over
- Sitemeter indicates length of visit
- Sitemeter just seems to be more accurate
- Sitemeter show stats by entry page and exit page.

Advantages of over sitemeter
+ Tracksy offers an invisible site tracker for free but with sitemeter you have to pay
+ Tracksy had the advantage of being faster to download on mobile device i.e less graphics, smaller page size and simpler layout
+ Tracksy offers statistics of returning vs old visitors

Both sites have a traffic prediction.Both sitemeter and have visitors by location but sitemeter goes the additional step by providing a world map graphic respresantation.
The difference between the two is very fine but i have decided to select the better site tracker which to me is
Another option which became immediately available to me was I had to research whether to use this service but i decided against it. Most of the advice against linkrefferal came from .
Linkrefferal is fundamentally of traffic exchange and hence is against adsense TOS.
I decided against it. However some desperate publishers might want to risk it.

This blog says linkrefferal is fine but well thats their own opinion.If only adsense could provide a list of banned sites. Maybe publishers should get together and create a list of sites banned from adsense.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Week 12 The Link campaign

Boy am i glad i did not quit my day job for this shit.I am so far from earning my dream of $100 a day. However i am glad indications show that i will at least cover my hosting charges.

Link building
For the past week i have been submitting my site to directories - link building. I thought there was a corelation between the number of links and traffic to your website but unfortunately this is not true. I have over 100 reciprocal links in various directories but i have not recieved a single referal from any one. I suppose link building is good only for page rank

Link exchange
I have discovered websites called link exchanges. I think these offer better results as compared to listing in randomly chosen directories.

The future...
I will not give up maybe one day i will come up with a concept that will earn me $100 a day or maybe $1000 the sky is the limit for the year 2007