Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Are Link requests Spam,

Link exchange requests are spam.

Making link requests appear less spammy is a challenge that any webmaster has to face.
Today i thought of this disclaimer to use in sending out link requests using contact us e-mail adresses picked on websites. It appears to make sense legally, logical or otherwise. Here it is below:

We comply 100 % with spam laws and do not condone any form of spam.
This email was delivered via an adress that was made available on your website to provide a means of contacting the website owner/operator.

Several lawyers will obviously crap themselves laughing after reading my silly little disclaimer above.
The truth is any unsoliscited mail is unwanted mail hence is considered spam. Never the less I will include the disclaimer with all my unsoliscited link requests.

Many web folk wonder why link exchange request are considered spam. Let me explain:
The rule is that any party has to give EXPLICIT permision through written or electronic means BEFORE you can send anything to them anything.
So unless the webmaster said, "contact me using this e-mail for links exchanges" , then your unwanted request is spam.

Most naive webmasters I know won't realise this.

So the answer is obvious, LINK REQUESTS ARE SPAM, so watch who you send them to. Many website owners have recieved warning or harsh punishment for link requests gone bad.

The truth is no disclaimer will ever cover you when it comes any unsoliscited link requests.

How to make your link requests less spammy.
- Keep them brief and to the point.Do not use excessive marketting jargon.
- Send only to people direcly involved in running a site e.g administrator, support or webmaster.For example send a link request to admin@abc and not
- Do not repeatedly send a request over and over again.

Any people wishing to exchange links for forex related sites have explicit permission to send link requests to

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