Thursday, January 04, 2007

Week 12 The Link campaign

Boy am i glad i did not quit my day job for this shit.I am so far from earning my dream of $100 a day. However i am glad indications show that i will at least cover my hosting charges.

Link building
For the past week i have been submitting my site to directories - link building. I thought there was a corelation between the number of links and traffic to your website but unfortunately this is not true. I have over 100 reciprocal links in various directories but i have not recieved a single referal from any one. I suppose link building is good only for page rank

Link exchange
I have discovered websites called link exchanges. I think these offer better results as compared to listing in randomly chosen directories.

The future...
I will not give up maybe one day i will come up with a concept that will earn me $100 a day or maybe $1000 the sky is the limit for the year 2007

1 comment:

FineNaturalHairandFaith said...

I feel your pain. I'm new to the world of Internet Marketing and building links seems to be the most tedious process of all. My business is focused on providing personal care products. I currently, have one web site up and running:
I'm in the process of launching 2 others and the idea of this grueling process of link building is enough to make me puke. Ok maybe not puke but I'm certainly glad I didn't quite my day job either !