Saturday, March 10, 2007

Adding adsense to wordpress blog.

Today i had a short flirt with wordpress.I created a new blog with them. Obviously my immediate action was to try and add google adsense to my blog.

I searched and searched the Wordpress dashboard but there seemed to be no place to edit or configure ads. It turns out you cannot place ads if you are being hosted on a free wordpress subdomain e.g

However I did a little research on how Wordpress users configure adsense on their blog and came across this link. It shows how may add PPC ads to their wordpress blogs.

If you want to be able to display adsense on a Wordpress Blog Follow these steps

- Get a Hosting account that provides hosting with at least:

* PHP version 4.2 or greater
* MySQL version 4.0 or greater

- Download Wordpress from

- Install this on your account.

- Go to presentation > Themes editor and select where you want the ads displayed

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